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As more women are waiting longer to have children, egg freezing is becoming more relevant and in demand as many women are facing the real challenge of having successful, healthy pregnancies later in life. While we have made great strides in other areas, our fertility is still limited by basic biology - the "biological clock" generally stops ticking in our late 30's or early 40's. Our opportunities are endless, but our egg supply and egg quality are not, that is why more women are seeking egg freezing services.
Egg Freezing offers women planning to have children after the age of 35 the opportunity to effectively slow down their biological clocks. Extend Fertility's egg freezing services give women the unprecedented chance to store their eggs during their reproductive prime for use when they wish to start or expand their families.
Egg Freezing Facts, Breakthroughs & Accomplishments
In the past, difficulty with egg freezing was due to an egg's tendency to develop ice crystals during the freezing process (which compromise the integrity of the egg), as well as hardening of the egg's outer membrane, making fertilization difficult. Two recent breakthroughs have allowed scientists to overcome these egg freezing problems.
The first is the development of a new culture media system that protects from damage during the egg freezing/thawing process. The media system dehydrates eggs during egg freezing and rehydrates the egg during thawing, thereby minimizing the formation of ice crystals during the egg freezing process. The second breakthrough in egg freezing is a fertilization technique known as ICSI (Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection). With ICSI egg freezing services, the embryologist injects the egg with a single sperm in order to fertilize it.
While egg freezing is still considered investigational by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, by applying these new advances in cryopreservation, our scientists have realized a sharp increase in post-thaw survival rates (as high as 90%) and fertilization rates (as high as 80%). These egg freezing improvements have led to pregnancy success rates from frozen eggs of up to 35% per embryo transfer, and have facilitated a dramatic increase in the number of babies born from frozen eggs to over 200 worldwide.
Extend Fertility takes great pride in helping to empower women to feel more in control of their bodies and lives with top line information on egg freezing and female fertility. Read what our egg freezing clients are saying about freezing their eggs and working with Extend Fertility.
The ability to postpone motherhood through egg freezing was made possible by the discovery that the age of a woman's eggs is more important than her biological age. In the last two decades, even post-menopausal women have become pregnant and delivered babies by using donor eggs from much younger women. Those developments created the incentive to preserve a woman's own eggs by egg freezing while the women are still young. Female fertility peaks at age 27 and by age 40, the chance of getting pregnant is less than 10%. Egg freezing and egg harvesting enable women to break free from the stressful drumbeat of their biological clock.
Eventually, egg freezing is expected to have an effect on egg donation by allowing one donor to store eggs that could be used by several recipients. Still, perhaps the most compelling current use of egg freezing is to benefit women with diseases that could interfere with fertility.
How egg freezing works
- Extract eggs Woman receives drugs to produce multiple eggs. Ultrasound-guided needles are used to harvest eggs from the ovary.
- Identify The eggs, which are in fluid when extracted, are poured onto a flat dish. Individual eggs are identified with a microscope and withdrawn for freezing.
- Prepare for egg freezing Because ice crystals can form within the eggs and damage them, technicians remove the water from the eggs and bathe them in an 'antifreeze' solution before egg freezing. Laboratories vary in how they conduct the egg freezing process and freeze the female eggs. Some prefer a slow egg freezing technique, while others use a flash egg freezing process called vitrification.
- Freeze Eggs are stored in tubes in a liquid nitrogen storage tank.
- Thaw and fertilize each egg, is then thawed and injected with a needle containing a single sperm--a procedure called ICSI. Eggs begin to develop into embryos.
- Implant Embryos are implanted into the uterus using a catheter.
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