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Anticipating any surgical procedure can be an unsettling experience. When the surgery is related to an infertility condition, it comes with an emotional element that is unique to couples seeking to conceive. Couples facing this kind of surgery sometimes feel additional pressure because much is riding on the success or outcome of the procedure. They may desperately hope that the surgery will finally solve their problem and enable them to conceive. This is a natural reaction, however it isn't always realistic. Remember that correcting fertility problems sometimes takes time and may require multiple treatments.
Several male and female related fertility problems can be treated with surgery. For male conditions, infertility surgery usually involves repairing structural abnormalities that are affecting the flow of sperm and/or seminal fluid. Female conditions that require surgery are more varied and include endometriosis, tubal factors and fibroids. Some conditions can be treated with drug therapy instead of surgery. As always, discuss all of your treatment options with your healthcare provider.
This section highlights male and female conditions that often require surgery. There's information here about the procedures, costs, side effects and results.
Causes of infertility can be categorized in two ways
- Those which can be treated by medication.
- Those which can be corrected only by a surgical procedure.
A special category of surgery was developed called Infertility Surgery. Infertility surgery is different from usual abdominal surgery in several specific and important ways:
- It is usually limited to the pelvic area.
- It involves parts of the reproductive organs.
- It should be corrective in nature, not destructive or extirpatory.
- Organs and their parts are removed only if absolutely necessary. Once removed they cannot be replaced.
- Surgery should be as atraumatic as possible. The organs must be handled gently and with care.
Many abnormalities caused by various diseases can be successfully corrected by an experienced surgeon, thus accomplishing two goals simultaneously: treating the disease and enabling a patient to conceive one or more children the "old-fashioned" way, without the need of In Vitro Fertilization or GIFT. If done improperly, however, surgery could make the underlying problem worse. It is important that an operating microscope and special instrumentations are used to work with utmost care and precision.
Surgical Procedures
- Laparoscopy
- Operative Laparoscopy
- Hysteroscopy
- Myomectomy
- Previous tubal ligation - tubal reversal surgery
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