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Laparoscopic Supra Cervical Hysterectomy

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The Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy is a procedure many women choose to have when deciding to have a hysterectomy. The procedure is one many find is less invasive then the other choices for a hysterectomy.Some doctors refer to the laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy as the pain-less hysterectomy.

The supracervical laparoscopic hysterectomy is a procedure where tissue is removed from the body through a tiny incision of about 14 mm. The procedure doesn't require the surgeon to suture and with no stitches required, the healing process for the patient is often easier. Patients seldom need pain medication after the laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy because the procedure is so simple.

Doctors find the procedure for this hysterectomy easier to perform and often recommend it above any other hysterectomy for the patient.LSH is used to identify the Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy. The LSH procedure doesn't require the woman to lose her cervix which seems to be a major concern for many women who need to have a hysterectomy. Naturally, the LSH is not a procedure women with a family history of cervical cancer will consider. There are several advantages to the LSH procedure.

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These are : -
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Much shorter time in the operating room for the patient
  • Few side effects or complications during or after the surgery
  • Same day surgery is often possible
  • Pain medication is seldom used

Patients who have the LSH procedure normally have discovered their need for a hysterectomy because of ongoing medical problems. The patient may need the LSH because of heavy monthly menstrual periods, ovarian cysts which have become problematic, pain in the pelvic region, endometriosis or fibroids. Thereare a few other medical problems which can be treated through the LSH procedure. If doctors believe they can perform the LSH procedure and cure the problems of the patient, they will try the LSH procedure in lieu ofthe abdominal hysterectomy.

Patients would rather have the LSH procedure rather thanthe abdominal hysterectomy and prefer the recovery time to any other vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy.Women who are considering a hysterectomy should ask their doctor about the Laparoscopic Supracervical hysterectomy. The recovery is almost non-existent and patients can be back to work in a short time. Ask your doctor for an information brochure on the LSH and see if you qualify for the procedure. Not all hysterectomies can be performed this way but if you are a candidate, then this is the best choice for you if you want pain-free and this hysterectomy is as close to pain free as it gets!

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